Crystal Essences
(“Gem Elixirs”)
Crystal Essences capture the energies of the particular stone through a natural (indirect) process. Crystal Essences allow us to experience all the potential healing properties of each stone internally. When we combine the healing vibration of the crystal with our own energy it can gently encourage our innate ability to heal ourselves.
Just a drop or two under tongue several times a day as needed. It is a very intuitive process. You may also put the essence drops in water. The essences are alcohol based and brandy is the preservative. (if you have alcohol sensitivities you may put your drops safely into hot tea to allow the alcohol to dissipate.) In certain cases essences may also be applied to the area of concern.
The following are the Crystal Essences created by The Purple Rose, LLC. Also included below are the descriptions of the potential healing energies associated with each essence. Simply match what you feel you need help creating within yourself with the descriptions below. Choose the essence(s) that resonates with you.
The Purple Rose Crystal Essences:
Amethyst: “The Spiritual Stone”, can help with intuition, psychic protection including psychic attack, healing, love, peace, balance, insomnia, headaches, arthritis, sleep, meditation, healing, endocrine system, metabolism, blood cleanser, psychological issues, intestines including regulating flora, addictions; Crown chakra
Angelite: “The Angel Stone” – can help connect you to the angelic realm, balance, awareness, protection, telepathic communication, speaking your truth, transmutes pain, journeys & astral travel, raises your vibration, dispels anger, universal knowledge, psychic healing, infectious diseases, throat, diuretic, weight issues, thymus, heart; Throat chakra
Bloodstone: “A Stone for Healing & Courage” – can help with releasing negative energies, increases intuition and creativity, grounding and protective, balancing to the whole body, renewal, awareness of present moment, union with Divine through meditation, calming, reduces irritability & impatience, helps to make decisions, energy & blood cleanser, stimulates flow (lymph…), removes toxins, stimulates immune system, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver menstruation, leukemia, eyesight, lung congestion, intestines
Carnelian: “A Stone for Emotional Wellbeing” – can help with mental ability, abuse recovery, stabilizing, past lives, protection, purification, sexual energy, fertility, fear, rage, apathy, sorrow, cleansing negativity, fire, courage, painful menstruation, digestion, gall stones, depression, impotence, back issues, kidney stones, spleen, pancreas, allergies, colds, cuts, abortion of vitamins & minerals; sacral chakra
Celestite: “A Stone of Hope and Good Fortune” – can help with mental processing, balancing yin/yang, enhances communication with the Angelic realms, clairaudience & clairvoyance, astral travel, hope, calming, harmony, clarity, good fortune, musical & arts, healing, elimination of toxins, spirituality, enlightenment, heals the aura, allows truth, inner peace, releases worries, eyes, ears and throat wellness
Chakra Balance: “A Stone for each chakra” – (quartz, amethyst, blue lace agate, aventurine, yellow calcite, carnelian, & bloodstone) helps to bring overall balance, alignment of energy and wellbeing; all chakras
Citrine: “The Merchant’s Stone” - can help with prosperity, transmuting negative energy, protection, aura protector & cleanser, stops anger, self-esteem, meditation, creativity, will power, psychic and sexual energy, digestion, blood circulation, menstrual & menopause issues, fatigue, constipation, balancing to thyroid, activates thymus, bladder & urinary issues, nightmares; Solar plexus chakra
Fluorite: “The Stone of Physical Health” - brings order to chaos, concentration, balance & discernment, psychic protection, stabilizing, nourishment, physical perfection, health, well-being, purification, cleansing, grounds & integrates the spiritual, learning, intuition, viruses, colds, infections, tumors, bones, cell formation, pain relief, skin, shingles
Garnet: “The Stone of Health” - extracts and transmutes negative energy from the chakras and re-energizes them, commitment, passion and love, Kundalini, calming, purification, protection, trauma, for spine, bone, heart, lungs and blood, releases old patterns, enhances the assimilation of nutrients, sexual healing, can regenerate DNA, metabolism, base chakra.
Hematite: “The Grounding Stone” – can help with anything to do with the mind, calming, balances the meridians, protection, transmuting negativity, meditation & divination, focus, strength, peace, nervous & circulatory systems, iron absorption, blood disorders, insomnia, alignment of the spine, draws out heat and fever; base chakra
Kunzite: "A Stone for Healing and Protection"--
Awakens the heart, welcomes in unconditional love, peace, intuition, meditation, purification, creativity, protection, shields the aura, stress, anxiety, healing to childhood trauma, strengthens the immune system, heart health, relieves joint pain, depression, heart chakra, third eye.
Kyanite: “The Balancing Stone” – can help align, cleanse and balance all chakras and all levels of being, restores life force energy flow in the body, releases blocks, tranquility, communication, attunement, meditation, psychic awareness, dispels anger & frustration, thyroid, relieves pain, blood pressure, infections, adrenals, throat, brain, muscles
Labradorite: “The Dragonfly Stone” – can help with balance, protection, clearing the aura & aligning energy, filling energy leaks, clarity, peace, vitality, faith, psychic wisdom, destiny, connection to other galaxies, ascension, colds, gout, rheumatism, balances hormones, anxiety, stress, eyes, digestion, regulation, metabolism, brain.
Lapis Lazuli: “The Stone of Total Awareness” – can help with balance, opens the third eye, balances the throat chakra, protection, clearing healing, incest recovery, spirituality, dream work, serenity,
connector, communication, cooling, creativity, strength, enlightenment, esoteric knowledge, protects against psychic attack, releases anger, depression, clarity, cuts emotional cords, communication, throat health, fidelity, prosperity, headaches, pain, vertigo, insomnia, strengthens immune
Lepidolite: “The Stone of Transition” – can help with anxiety, tension, stress, depression, despondency, transmutation of lower spiritual energies, releases negativity & electromagnetic pollution, addictions, restructures and reorganizes old patterns, helps a smooth transition through change, astral travel & shamanic journey, can help with transition to the other side, well-being, business diplomacy and communication, self-love, calming, locates and balances energy blockages, releases dis-ease, balancing and connecting to Mother Earth, facilitates abundance, digestion, skin & wrinkles, tendonitis, leg cramps, nervous, blood, restructures DNA, insomnia, calms the heart, menopause, (combine with quartz for candida)
Moonstone: “The Stone of the Goddess” – can help with spirituality, magick, sleep, harmony, youth, new beginnings, hope, intuition, grounding, gardening, divination, love, peace, travel, trance, soothing, protection, creativity, cycles, tension, rejuvenation, skin, hair, eyes, assimilation of nutrients, eliminating toxins, fertility, childbirth, PMS, liver, pancreas, insomnia, swelling, insect stings & bites; third eye chakra
Onyx: “The Empath Stone” – centering, strength, self-confidence, learning, clairsentient protection, past-life healing, aligning with higher self, grief, decision-making, happiness, good fortune, transforms negative energy, cleansing for Empaths, intuition, release physical trauma, releases fear & worry, balance, veins, dementia, bone marrow, feet, soft tissue health, mental “tonic”, blood disorders
Pyrite: “The Fool’s Gold Stone” – can promote wealth and prosperity, a shield against negative energy and environmental pollution, nourishing to the overall body, protective (sometimes against physical danger, too), encourages health and emotional wellbeing, encourages your dreams, good luck, repairs the aura, manifestation, helps with memory, bones, cell repair, lungs, inflammation, vitality, purification, infection
Quartz: “The Everything Stone” – can be used in place of any other stone, it is said to be the most powerful healing and energy amplifier, holds all the healing energy of all of the colors, can help with harmony, psychic connection, protection, light, concentration, memory, meditation, calming, clearing, healing, vertigo, emotional stability, immune system, relieves pain, swelling, burns, skin disorders, eliminates toxins from the body, digestion, kidney & bladder infections and dysfunctions, sore throat
Rhodochrosite: “A Stone for the heart” - can help with joy, balancing emotions, duality & spiritual levels, balancing spiritual with the material, healing sexual abuse, health, internal infections, skin disorders, elimination issues, thyroid, circulation, kidneys, eye sight, blood pressure, migraines, clarity, insights, connection to Mother Earth; Heart chakra
Rose Quartz: “The Unconditional Love Stone” – can help with emotions, release, forgiveness, healing, self-worth, happiness, peace, “mid-life crisis”, grief, calming, cooling, clarity, harmony, opens the heart, stress, tension, vertigo, wrinkles, thymus, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, fertility, kidneys, lungs, burns, adrenals; heart chakra
Selenite: “The Divinity Stone” – can help connect you with the Divine Light of Source, clarity, opens the Crown chakra, accessing Angels and Higher Guides, anchors Light body to Earth, calms, peace, meditation, telepathy, protection, scrying, accessing the Akashic records, stabilizes emotions, spine, healing deep within the cells
Shungite: “The Stone of Life” - psychic protection, purifies, cleanses & detoxes, insomnia, stress, anxiety, EMF cleansing & protection, cleansing for drinking water, healing, grounding, releases negativity, emotional wellbeing, growth, clarity, connection to Mother Earth, positive change, raises vibration, increases energy, metabolism
Smokey Quartz: “A Stone for Protection” – can dissolve negative energies and emotional blocks, protective energetic shield, meditation, scrying, neutralizes fear, depression, stress, balances yin/yang, aligns meridians, balancing, spiritual grounding, intuition, creativity in business, nightmares, cooperation, regulates the liquids of the body, equilibrium within the body with respect to mineral supplementation, headaches, healing to base chakra & sexual disorders, dissipates congestion from organs and glands in solar plexus area, relieves disorders of hands & feet, muscles, nerves, hips, & legs
Sodalite: A Stone for the Third Eye” – can help awaken third eye, intuition, healing, meditation, wisdom, calming, grounding, stress, clarity, trust, releases guilt & fear, lymph & immune systems, radiation, throat issues, fevers, blood pressure, metabolism, digestion, purifying, insomnia, panic attacks, clears electromagnetic pollution, calcium deficiencies, stimulates the pineal gland; third eye chakra
Tiger Eye: “A Stone for Strength & Courage” – can help bring peace & clarity, meditation & past lives, psychic ability, stimulates kundalini, luck, will power, honesty, decision making, balances the energies of sun & earth, intuition, protection, grounding, mental issues, wealth, eye issues, depression
+We also offer Purple Rose Gem Elixir (Crystal Essence) Sprays!
We have Chakra Clearing,
Quartz Spray to raise your vibration,
& Amethyst Purple Shield Spray !!!
*The Purple Rose, LLC makes no diagnosis or treatment representations. Use at your own risk. Always consult with a qualified health care provider before consuming.
*The information above was compiled from a variety of sources with special thanks to Melody’s Love is in the Earth & Judy Hall’s The Crystal Bible.